Some pets live their entire lives with healthy comfortable skin while others seem to be constantly itching. Ectoparasites such as fleas, skin infection and allergies are the 3 top reasons for pets to become itchy. While flea infestations and skin infections can be eliminated, unfortunately allergies cannot be cured. It is therefore extremely important to look for the underlying causes if your pet is diagnosed with an allergic skin condition. Allergies can be triggered by a range of different things including food, dust mites and pollens. If we can eliminate or at least limit our allergic pet’s exposure to these triggers, skin reactions can be much reduced. Allergic skin disease is a complex and often multifactorial problem but the good news is that there is much that we can do to help manage the problem and allow your pet to have the best quality of life it can. Diet, topical shampoos, conditioners and creams and medication can all be used to help