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Fairfield QLD

Kitten Desexing

Kitten Desexing

Desexing your kitten

Desexing is generally recommended at around 6 months of age. Not only does it prevent unwanted litters, but it reduces the risk of certain diseases and cancers, such as prostate and mammary gland tumours and pyometra (an infection of the uterus).

Desexing your kitten before he or she reaches sexual maturity (from 4 to 6 months of age) will prevent unwanted pregnancies as well as reduce roaming behaviour and territorial marking. Not only that, but female cats who are desexed before their second heat have a significantly reduced risk of mammary cancer and uterine infection.

It’s important to talk to your vet when considering the time of desexing to weigh up the various pros and cons.

Some breeders even require you to desex your kitten as a condition of sale, or insist you let them know if you plan to breed your cat. If you do plan to breed your cat, there is a lot to consider and we recommend booking an appointment with one of our expert vets to discuss the steps.

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Questions about new kitten

We’re here to help

If you have any questions about anything regarding your kitten, get in touch with us today, or bring them in for a check-up (we love meeting new kitties!)

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Author: DevAccount

I have been a patient of Yeronga Vet Clinic for over 20 years and wouldn’t go anywhere else. Dr Lisca and the team are second to none. Recently my 3 year old Labradoodle Daisy ruptured her cruciate ligament and underwent surgery. The professionalism and care Daisy received was top class. I would recommend Yeronga Vet Clinic to anyone looking for a great vet service for their fur baby.

We first came to Yeronga Veterinary Surgery nearly 4 years ago, carrying our tiny black Labrador puppy Delilah in, hoping to find some guidance and caring attention, and just a little bit of shared dog-madness. Well, we were in luck, and we have never looked back. The team at Yeronga Vet Surgery have been nothing short of exceptional at every step of our journey with them. From the basics of preventative care to important surgeries (and the odd mini-emergency thanks to our hungry labradors…) everyone has been both professional and welcoming, and more importantly, extremely good at their jobs! I am constantly blown away by the care and attention we receive, and the fact that our dogs cry with excitement when we pull into the street says it all. We’ve never had dogs who are so excited to visit the vet. We can’t recommend the team highly enough – they are exceptional.

Hi there puny human my name is Bastet. Here is a picture of me in all my glory to help your feeble human brain rest for a moment so I don’t pile on to much information at once. Ready? Nevermind let’s continue. Every few months my manservant deems it necessary to verify the divinity of close personal friend Zeus and myself, here is picture of us looking regal. I know you’re thinking “They are clearly perfect why would he waste their time.” and the answer is frankly he’s not very bright but means well so we indulge him. One thing we demand in return is that he takes us to the Yeronga Vet Surgery where we know we will be shown the respect and deference as befits ones such as us. So if you must interrupt the napping, playing or eating of your betters take them to Yeronga Vet Surgery.

Yeronga Vet have alway been wonderful in their professionalism and care over the years for those furrier members of the family, adding a healthy dose of genuine sympathy for those less routine difficult visits.